Funds raised from the 50th Anniversary Activities held
during the 2006 Homecoming Weekend were turned
over by the 50th Anniversary Committee to the South High Alumni
Association. Additionally, a portion of each Alumni member’s annual
dues were set aside for the SHHS Alumni Association Scholarship
Fund. Funds
raised from advertisements and sponsorships of this website above the
actual costs to maintain the site also go toward building the
scholarship fund.
scholarship fund provides financial assistance to deserving South High seniors
are accepted and attend a post-secondary school. Any
senior in good standing at South Hagerstown High School who plans to
attend a post-secondary school is eligible to apply for these two
scholarships. Applications are available in the school’s Counseling
Center. See
Susan Starsnik for an application and more information.
SHHS Alumni and associates are encouraged to make contributions to the SHHS Alumni
Association Scholarship Fund. The
South Hagerstown High School Alumni Association is a 501.3c
not-for-profit corporation. Donations made to this organization
are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to: SHHS
Alumni Association Scholarship Fund